01572 822681
Website: www.uppingham.gov.uk
- Adult Social Care 01572 758465
- Environmental Health (RCC) 01572 722577
- Social Services Prevention and Safeguarding Team 01572 758341
- Children’s Duty Team 01572 758407
- Out of hours Emergencies 01858 464499
- Adult Emergency Duty Team (EDT) 0116 2551606
- Children’s Emergency Duty Team 0116 3050005
01572 722577
Website: www.rutland.gov.uk
Website: www.rutlandnhw.org.uk
Uppingham Surgery, off Ayston Road, Uppingham LE15 9EG
Appointments: 01572 823531
Repeat prescriptions: 01572 820123
Website: www.uppinghamsurgery.nhs.uk
Defibrillator Team: Telephone 01572 823465 or mobile 07710 328469
Rutland Veterinary Centre, 12a Ayston Road, Uppingham LE15 9RL
Tel: 01572 822399
Website: www.rutlandvets.co.uk/our-branches