RAFA Rides 2023, at Kendrew Barracks, formerly RAF Cottesmore, in Rutland on Saturday 17 June.
The property
RAFA Rides offers an on-road event in and around the grounds of Kendrew Barracks, as well as the option for people to take part virtually from wherever they are in the world. There is a 25, 50, 75 & 100 mile option to choose from.
£40 Entry includes
Cycling jersey
Finisher’s medal
Refreshments on course
Beer and burger on completion
This year, BBC One’s Saturday Kitchen presenter and RAF Association Ambassador Matt Tebbutt is taking part in the 100-mile ride.
Last year’s RAFA Rides saw 800 cyclists from 11 countries come together to take part in in-person and virtual events. Together, cyclists raised over £100,000 for the Association’s work to provide much-needed help and support to millions of people in the RAF community.
In 2023, the event is even bigger, with international Air Force charities holding their own simultaneous cycling events across the globe.
Cyclists of all abilities are welcome to sign up for the RAF Association’s annual cycling event, RAFA Rides, at Kendrew Barracks, formerly RAF Cottesmore, in Rutland on Saturday 17 June.
All profits from the event will go towards the Association’s vital work of providing help and support to the RAF community.
Visit the RAFA Rides website to find out more and sign up: https://rides.rafa.org.uk/join-us/